top page > For Supporters



MUSIC SHARING operates entirely on the basis of charitable contributions from individuals, foundations, and corporations.

We highly appreciate your generous support which has enabled us to bring music to underserved children in Japan and Asia since its establishment in 1992. Your financial gift of any size makes it possible for us to continue to provide our exceptional music experiences for children.

‘ How to make a donation

You can make donation in the following ways:

Three Ways to Donate to Music Sharing WITHIN Japan

1. by Postal Transfer

Please fill out either a pre-printed transfer slip for the exclusive use of Music Sharing (we will send this to you on request) or one that you fill out via the Post Office to the account below:

Account No. :@00160-4-568984
Account Name :@MUSIC SHARING

2. by Bank Transfer

Please transfer your donation from your bank to the account below:

Bank Name :@Japan Post Bank
Branch No. :@019
Account No. :@05689084 (checking account)
Account Name :@MUSIC SHARING

‘ Thank You for Your Support!

Your donation will be acknowledged on the Music Sharing website and in our annual report. If you do not wish your contribution to be acknowledged in print, please e-mail us.

Music Sharing is a certified non-profit organization authorized by Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the fullest extent provided by law as long as you live in Japan. After receiving your donation, we will send you a receipt for tax-purposes.

If you live overseas, your contribution is subject to the rules of tax-deduction where you live. Please consult with your local tax authority.

If you need any assistance to make a donation, please contact us at or call +81-3-6256-9733.

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